In this section you’ll find all the outputs produced throughout the project by our artist and partners
Jorge Leal
Investigador Colaborador
LIDA – Laboratório de Investigação em Design e Artes
ESAD.CR – Escola Superior de Artes e Design das Caldas da Rainha
Politécnico de Leiria
Rua Isidoro Inácio Alves de Carvalho
2500-321 Caldas da Rainha, Portugal
Filipa Machado Rodrigues
Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Lisbon, Centro de Investigação e de Estudos em Belas-Artes (CIEBA), Portugal. Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Health, CIIS, Portugal. Higher School of Education and Social Sciences, CI&DEI, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Portugal.
Lucía Álvarez-Borrajo
Faculty of Fine Arts. University of Sevilla. Spain
Izabelle Louise Monteiro Penha
CIEBA – Centro de Investigação e de Estudos em Belas-Artes da Ulisboa
It presents an unprecedented approach to the relationship between the Enchantment of the Tremembé indigenous people – beings of the forest that are present in the Tremembé cosmogony –, and the Spirit-Image (utupë) of the Yanomani indigenous people – the true interior of forest beings in the Yanomani cosmogony. The central question arises: Is the Spirit-Image (utupë) necessary to see Enchantment? Problematizes indigenous knowledge from these Brazilian indigenous people. The connection between these two concepts is questioned, which share the (in)visibility, the representation of mythical ancestors and the ability to keep images as the essence of life.