Resilience Design: call for participants

BUILD UP RESILIENCE DESIGN WHAT? Join an immersive experience that explores Permaculture Design to tackle climate change through a Erasmus + Youth Exchange! WHEN? 10th Feb > 19th Feb 2025 WHERE? At Quinta das Relvas WHO? 18 > 30 years old from.Portugal, France, Greece, Slovenia & Romania COSTS? All costs covered, including flights, accommodation and […]

GRÃO 6ª edição : call for artists

  GRÃO – RESIDÊNCIA ARTÍSTICA E DE INVESTIGAÇÃO é uma residência artística em Artes Visuais que toma lugar na sede da entidade organizadora: a Associação Quinta das Relvas, Branca, Albergaria-a-Velha)* *Please notice this call is open to portuguese artists or other nationalities living in Portugal – activities will be held in portuguese. For the same […]

Craft Art: call for participants

Craft Art Erasmus+ Training Course WHAT? The course will teach new tool and theoretical knowledge about applied craft & art therapy, as a mean to support young people dealing with today’s challenging world. WHEN? 15th july > 22th july (including travel days) WHERE? Perma Halos, Romania WHO? 18 > years old, living in Portugal (no […]

A.I.R. at Quinta das Relvas 2025

A.I.R. at Quinta das Relvas 2024 WHAT? An artist-in-residence program at our wonderful space, with access to workshops, study visits, mentoring and open studio and supported by our team of caring and experienced professionals! WHEN? Associação Quinta das Relvas is now accepting applications for the month of march 2025. WHO? Any visual artist is welcome […]

ESC Voluntary Service: call for participants

Erasmus Solidarity Corps WHAT? European Solidarity Corps voluntary service is a project funded by the European Commission. It will involve 4 volunteers from different European countries that will collaborate with the staff members of Quinta Das Relvas in environmental sustainability activities such as agroforestry, sustainable food production & digital competencies. WHEN? 10th June > 20th […]

Final exhibition: SEEDS – Means for a Sustainable Art Practice

7th >  29th MAY 2024 AT FBAUL GALLERY (Lisbon) ARTISTS: ana amarante, Alicia Monreal Ortega, Alkyoni Papakonstantopoulou, Camila Almeida, Carme Ayala, Diana de Brito , Eva Manaridou, Inés Ballesteros, Inês Coelho da Silva, Leah Saraiva, Folie a Deux, Rafael Raposo Pires CURATORSHIP: João Rolaça & Noemi Ferreira This exhibition is a selection of works created […]

F.U.N. in the Jar: call for participants

F.U.N. in the Jar WHAT? An Erasmus+ Training Course ‘F.U.N. in the Jar’ meant to bring together representatives of 14 European organizations in order to share good practices and raise awareness about how food choices nutrition influence on the well-being young people and aims to explore health and sustainable benefits of fermentation through non-formal and […]

ART OF TRADITIONAL TRADES: call for participants

REVIVING THE ART OF TRADITIONAL TRADES WHAT? An Erasmus+ Training Course ‘Reviving the Art of Traditonal Trades’ aims to share and initiate youth workers to traditional trades through practical workshops to train their local youths and keep them alive improving craft and personal skills. The Training Course will be based on three crafts: pottery, basketry […]

PDC: call for participants

Permaculture Design Course WHAT? Join an immersive Permaculture Design Course led by Lucy Legan & André Soares, and receive your PDC certificate upon completion! WHEN? 22th april > 5th may WHERE? La Buona Terra, Kora, Italy WHO? 18 > years old, living in Portugal (no age limit) COSTS? All costs covered, including flights, accommodation and […]

GENDER-ECO: call for participants

Lets build gender-eco-friendly collectives! WHAT? An Erasmus + Training Course focused on developing strategies to apply gender equality and ecological good practices within our groups or collectives. WHEN? 5th april > 12th april (including travel days) WHERE? Obon, Teruel, Spain WHO? 18 > years old, living in Portugal (no age limit) COSTS? All costs covered, […]