S.E.E. : call for participants
S.E.E. (social, economical, ecological) more life! WHAT? An Erasmus + Youth Exchange focused on sharing and understanding different approaches to animals, ourselves around animals,
S.E.E. (social, economical, ecological) more life! WHAT? An Erasmus + Youth Exchange focused on sharing and understanding different approaches to animals, ourselves around animals,
T.R.E.E.S. – TERRITORY RESTORATION THROUGH EUROPEAN ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY WHAT? An Erasmus + Youth Exchange focused on stimulating the interest in environmental education; stregthen transversal
OPEN CALL TO PORTUGUESE PARTICIPANTS! WHAT? G.R.O.W. II An Erasmus + Youth Exchange tackling the human impact on the environment through performative arts. WHEN?
🚀CANDIDATURAS ABERTAS PARA PARTICIPANTES PORTUGUESES! // OPEN CALL TO PORTUGUESE PARTICIPANTS! WHAT? W.U.E. An Erasmus + Youth Exchange focused on active citizenship, eco-sustainability and
POW – Art to the People, is a new program of artistic residencies by QdR with an on-going open call for three one-month residencies