A exposição SECAR ROUPA À CHUVA, relativa ao primeiro período de residência artística do projeto SEEDS – Means for a Sustainable Art Practice, inaugura esta quinta-feira, 28 de setembro, pelas 16h00 e até às 19h00, na Viarco – Fábrica de Lápis, em S. João da Madeira! 🌱 Artistas: ana amarante, Alicia Monreal Ortega, Alkyoni Papakonstantopoulou, […]
S.E.E. : call for participants

S.E.E. (social, economical, ecological) more life! WHAT? An Erasmus + Youth Exchange focused on sharing and understanding different approaches to animals, ourselves around animals, and the way our cultures are defined by them. WHEN? 27th september > 6th october WHERE? Perma Halos, Romania WHO? 18 > 30 years old, living in Portugal COSTS? All costs […]

BIO-CONSTRUCTION – ESC TEAMS WORKCAMP WHAT? An European Solidarity Corps workcamp dedicated to bio-construction! WHEN? 11th september > 25th october WHERE? Branca, Albergaria-a-Velha, Portugal WHO? 18 > 30 years old, living in one of the European Union program countries COSTS? All costs covered, including flights, accommodation and meals! HOW TO APPLY?
T.R.E.E.S.: Call for participants

T.R.E.E.S. – TERRITORY RESTORATION THROUGH EUROPEAN ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY WHAT? An Erasmus + Youth Exchange focused on stimulating the interest in environmental education; stregthen transversal skills in rural areas; develop ideologies for recycling and reuse of materials through creativity and art. WHEN? 7th > 16th september WHERE? Marsico Nuovo, Italy WHO? 18 > 25 years old, […]
GRÃO : call for artists

GRÃO – RESIDÊNCIA ARTÍSTICA E DE INVESTIGAÇÃO é uma residência artística em Artes Visuais que toma lugar na sede da entidade organizadora: a Associação Quinta das Relvas, Branca, Albergaria-a-Velha)* *Please notice this call is open to portuguese artists or other nationalities living in Portugal – activities will be held in portuguese. For the same […]
Build Up Your Life – Water Series

Another training completed, this set up tone for future projects. It was a difficult one,” lots of growing pains “. This Build up your life: water series was focused mainly in three different areas: 1. Water retention in the landscape and groundwater restoration; 2. Water harvesting for households consumption; 3. Waste water treatment, re-use and […]
W.U.E. : call for participants

🚀CANDIDATURAS ABERTAS PARA PARTICIPANTES PORTUGUESES! // OPEN CALL TO PORTUGUESE PARTICIPANTS! WHAT? W.U.E. An Erasmus + Youth Exchange focused on active citizenship, eco-sustainability and arts with the aim to encourage environmentally conscious and sustainable actions alligned with the recognition of European Union values. WHEN? 11th > 22th july WHERE? Casal di Principe, Italy WHO? For […]
G.R.O.W II : call for participants

OPEN CALL TO PORTUGUESE PARTICIPANTS! WHAT? G.R.O.W. II An Erasmus + Youth Exchange tackling the human impact on the environment through performative arts. WHEN? 2nd > 10th august WHERE? Melissa, Italy WHO? For portuguese or any nationality but living in Portugal; 18 > 30 years old. COSTS? All costs covered, including flights, accommodation and meals! […]
POW – Art to the People: call for artists

POW – Art to the People, is a new program of artistic residencies by QdR with an on-going open call for three one-month residencies per year. POW are creative and research residencies on Art that promote the re-consideration of the rural context (both in terms of culture and nature) and the social possibilities of Art. […]
SEEDS: Call for Papers

SEEDS – means for a sustainable art practice will start its activities with a series of conferences on the Faculty of Fine-Arts of the University of Lisbon as trigger to open discussion, brainstorming and critical and creative thinking! With live streaming and free access, this is another way to enroll the project, no matter who […]