A exposição SECAR ROUPA À CHUVA, relativa ao primeiro período de residência artística do projeto SEEDS – Means for a Sustainable Art Practice, inaugura esta quinta-feira, 28 de setembro, pelas 16h00 e até às 19h00, na Viarco – Fábrica de Lápis, em S. João da Madeira! 🌱 Artistas: ana amarante, Alicia Monreal Ortega, Alkyoni Papakonstantopoulou, […]
Build Up Your Life – Water Series

Another training completed, this set up tone for future projects. It was a difficult one,” lots of growing pains “. This Build up your life: water series was focused mainly in three different areas: 1. Water retention in the landscape and groundwater restoration; 2. Water harvesting for households consumption; 3. Waste water treatment, re-use and […]